Choctaw/Nicoma Park 50for50 Campaign

This campaign is designed to raise $1,000 per graduating class in the Choctaw/Nicoma Park district. Our goal is to get 50 classes for a yearly total of $50,000. In doing so the Choctaw/Nicoma Park Public Schools Foundation hopes to set up a $500,000 endowment by the year 2020. This will allow us to become a self-sustaining foundation and continue to provide support in the form of grants to teachers, school site grants, and partial site redistribution of funds. By investing in the Choctaw/Nicoma Park Schools, you help more than just students and faculty, your support reaches all who will be touched by these individuals.

Teams will be created so that you may give with your graduating class and/or group. Search the teams and find your graduating class. If you cannot find it please feel free to set up a team so that you can track how well you and your team are doing. Also, please note, the teams are not confined to graduating classes only. You may be as creative and as inviting as you wish when creating a new team.


- Choctaw/Nicoma Park Schools Foundation


Meet some of the fundraisers that are part of this campaign

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